The Mommyheads: Vulnerable Boy

The Mommyheads
Vulnerable Boy

The Mommyheads were an incredibly important part of the burgeoning ’90s alt/indie scene that provided a wealth of influence despite never being an incredibly prominent act. They disappeared after things turned a little sour when they signed with Geffen and re-emerged re-invigorated almost a decade later. Since that re-emergence they’ve released three strong records, but Vulnerable Boy tops all of them in scope and quality. On Vulnerable Boy, the Mommyheads make good on the title and expose themselves more fully throughout this collection than they ever have before. There are blasts of erratic fuzz cutting through a sound somewhat reminiscent of the one Young Man conjured up earlier this year on Vol. 1. Through Vulnerable Boy‘s 13 tracks, the band doesn’t miss a step and ends up with a surprise contender for year-end consideration.

RATING 8 / 10